Differental By-pass Balancing Valve
Product Description
Product Details
Differental By-pass Balancing Valve
Stucture and Purpose
A valve used between water supply /back of an air conditioning system in order to balance the pressure differential and able to raise the system'sutility.keep the pressure differenial at an accurately constant valve and to lower ths system's noise and the damage to the equipment due to an extrabigpressure differential to the utmost is supeior to the other balancing valves,needs inc other execution machinery .gets the system balanced .completely depening on the pressure differential of the medium's own and saves energy and the installation space.
Structure Diagram
Stucture and Purpose
A valve used between water supply /back of an air conditioning system in order to balance the pressure differential and able to raise the system'sutility.keep the pressure differenial at an accurately constant valve and to lower ths system's noise and the damage to the equipment due to an extrabigpressure differential to the utmost is supeior to the other balancing valves,needs inc other execution machinery .gets the system balanced .completely depening on the pressure differential of the medium's own and saves energy and the installation space.
Structure Diagram